Salt Dough Ornaments

Salt Dough Ornaments:

My kids LOVE making these ornaments. It is one of our Christmas Traditions! They learn without even knowing it! Measurements, and temperatures, Shapes and colors! Who said baking wasn’t educational? Not this Momma!


  • Ingredients:

2 cups of All Purpose Flour

1 Cup of iodized salt

¾ cup- 1 cup of water


Combine all ingredients, mix well with spoon.

    Turn onto a floured surface, and roll out to about ⅛ inch thick.

      Use cookie cutters to cut out desired shapes. Use a straw to punch out holes to tie your twine.

        Bake in a 200 degree oven for 90 minutes to 2 hours. When they’re done, they’ll be hard.

          Allow to cool. Then paint! Add some twine, and hang from the tree.

            These ornaments won’t last forever, but they’re a fun craft for the kids this Holiday season!

              To watch our Video Series of our “12 Days of Christmas” Click here to be taken to our YouTube Channel.


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