Wild Flower Shade Mix


2 in stock



Website Description

Wild Flower Shade Mix is a website dedicated to providing customers with a wide selection of wild flower seeds. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality seeds to help them create a beautiful and diverse garden. We offer a variety of wild flower seed mixes for all types of climates and soil types. Our mixes are designed to provide a variety of colors and textures to create a unique and vibrant garden. We also offer advice and tips on how to best care for and grow wild flowers in your garden.

Growing Instructions

1. Choose a location in your garden that receives partial to full shade. Wild flowers thrive in areas with indirect sunlight and protection from the wind.

2. Prepare the soil by removing any weeds, rocks, and debris. Loosen the soil with a shovel or rake and add a layer of compost or organic material.

3. Spread the wild flower shade mix seeds evenly over the prepared area. Gently press the seeds into the soil with your hands or a rake.

4. Water the area lightly, making sure not to wash away the seeds. Keep the soil moist until the plants have sprouted and are established.

5. Thin out the plants once they have reached a few inches in height. This will help promote healthy growth and prevent overcrowding.

6. Fertilize the plants every few weeks using a balanced fertilizer.

7. Deadhead the flowers regularly to promote new blooms and keep the plants looking tidy.

8. Enjoy the beauty of your wild flower garden!

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