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Seed Description: Summer Thyme

Variety: Thymus vulgaris ‘Summer Thyme’

Summer Thyme is a popular herb variety known for its aromatic leaves and culinary uses. This perennial herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is native to the Mediterranean region. It is widely cultivated for its flavorful leaves, which are commonly used in various cuisines around the world.

Plant Characteristics:
Summer Thyme is a compact and bushy plant that typically grows up to 12-18 inches in height and spreads about 12-15 inches wide. It has small, oval-shaped leaves that are gray-green in color, giving off a pleasant fragrance when crushed or brushed against. The leaves are densely packed along the stems, creating a lush and attractive appearance.

The plant produces delicate clusters of tiny, pale purple to pink flowers during the summer months, attracting bees and other pollinators to the garden. These flowers not only add beauty to the plant but also contribute to its overall appeal.

Summer Thyme is relatively easy to grow and can be cultivated both in garden beds and containers. It thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade, making it suitable for various garden settings. Well-draining soil with a pH range of 6.0-8.0 is ideal for this herb.

To start growing Summer Thyme from seeds, sow them indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date or directly in the garden after the danger of frost has passed. The seeds are small and should be sown shallowly, barely covered with soil. Keep the soil consistently moist until germination, which usually takes around 7-14 days.

Once the seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots or spaced 8-12 inches apart in the garden. Regular watering is essential, especially during dry spells, but be cautious not to overwater as Thyme prefers slightly drier conditions.

Harvesting and Usage:
Summer Thyme can be harvested throughout the growing season, starting from when the plant reaches about 6 inches in height. To harvest, simply snip off the desired amount of leaves, either individually or by cutting entire stems. Regular harvesting promotes bushier growth and ensures a continuous supply of fresh leaves.

The leaves of Summer Thyme are highly aromatic and have a warm, earthy flavor with hints of mint and citrus. They are commonly used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, marinades, sauces, and roasted meats. Thyme pairs well with other herbs like rosemary, sage, and parsley, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the dish.

Additionally, Summer Thyme leaves can be dried or frozen for later use. Drying can be done by hanging small bunches of stems upside down in a well-ventilated area until the leaves are crisp. Once dried, the leaves can be stored in airtight containers for several months. Freezing the leaves in ice cube trays with water or olive oil is another convenient method to preserve their flavor.

Overall, Summer Thyme is a versatile and essential herb in any kitchen garden. Its delightful fragrance, attractive appearance, and culinary value make it a must-have for herb enthusiasts and cooks alike.

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